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Legend (Trails/Network_Legend)

Conservation Area (1)
Provincial Parks (2)
Tourist Information (3)
Accommodation (4)
Golf (5)
Hospitals (6)
Schools (7)
Campground (8)
Beaches (9)
Beach Beach
Boat Launch Boat Launch
Fishing Access Fishing Access
Libraries (10)
County Offices (11)
Fire Halls (12)
Arena (13)
Police Stations (14)
Post Office (15)
Place of Worship (16)
Heritage Properties (17)
Museums (18)
Connections (20)
Existing On Road Bicycle Route Existing On Road Bicycle Route
Proposed On Road Bicycle Route Proposed On Road Bicycle Route
ATV_Trails (21)
Existing ATV Trail Existing ATV Trail
Existing Trail (22)
Network (23)
Existing Multi-use Trail or Designated Walking Route Existing Multi-use Trail or Designated Walking Route
Proposed Multi-use Trail Proposed Multi-use Trail
Proposed Bike Lane Proposed Bike Lane
Proposed Wide Shared Lane Proposed Wide Shared Lane
Proposed Paved Shoulder Proposed Paved Shoulder
Proposed Signed Route Proposed Signed Route
Proposed Canoe Route Proposed Canoe Route
Network (24)
Existing Route Existing Route
Short Term (0 - 5 years) Short Term (0 - 5 years)
Long Term (6 - 20 years) Long Term (6 - 20 years)
Roads (25)
County Road County Road
Provincial Highway Provincial Highway
Road Road
Railways (26)
Railway Railway
Unopened Road Right-of-Way (27)
Opportunity (public earth road) (28)
Railways (29)
Abandoned Railway - Access Uncertain Abandoned Railway - Access Uncertain
Abandoned Railway - Access possible, requires further investigation Abandoned Railway - Access possible, requires further investigation
Active Rail Line (30)
Parcels (31)
Municipal Parks (32)
Liesure OP Parks (33)
Haldimand County Owned Parcels (34)
Conservation Authority Owned Parcels (35)
Hydro One Owned Parcels (36)
CNR Owned Parcels (37)
Provincial Parks (38)
OBM_Streams (39)
Wetlands and Woodlands (40)
The Grand River (41)
Lakes and Rivers (42)
Ontario Realty Corp. Owned Parcels (43)
Municipal Parks (44)
Industrial Zoned Properties (45)
Development Areas (46)
Urban Areas (47)
County Boundaries (48)